HomeNewsCategory of light sensors

Category of light sensors

173 2023-08-01
Category of light sensors

Affective pixel sensor(English: Active-Pixel Sensor) (APS) is an image sensor, which is generally made of CMOS process. It is generally called CMOS image sensor. It is often used on mobile phone cameras, network cameras or some digital single-eye cameras.
Radiation thermal measurement measurement measured radiation heat, microobolometer (English: Microbolomet) is a special sensor that can be used on thermal imaging camera.
Cadmium zinc telluride can be operated directly conversion (optical conductivity) mode at room temperature at room temperature. Unlike other materials (such as 锗), liquid nitrogen is cooled.Because of the large atomic order of cadmium and cadmium, it has high sensitivity to X -ray and gamma rays, and has a high energy resolution than the flashing body detector.

Sensential coupling component (CCD)It is used in the image storage of astronomy, digital photography and digital movies.Before 1990, Photographic Plate was the most commonly recorded tool in astronomy. The next generation of astronomical instruments (like Suzaku Satellite) will include low -temperature particles detectors (English: Cryogenic Detectors).
In experimental particle physics, particle detectors are tools used to track and detect basic particles.

Sensor(English: Photographic Plate) is a chemical detector, and it breaks the halide silver into metal silver and halogen atoms by light.
The sensitivity of low -temperature particle detectors (English: Cryogenic Detectors) can detect the energy of a single X -ray, visible light or infrared photon [2].
Gaseous Ionization Detectors (English: English: GASEOUS Ionization Detectors) can detect photons and particles that are large enough to cause gases.Electronics and ions that are ionized will generate currents that can be detected.

Cadmium cadmium mercury (English: hgcdte)Infrared detectorIf the electrons with sufficient energy infrared photon collision bands make it fall into the conduction band, you can detect infrared rays.Electronics will be collected from an appropriate external read -out integrated circuit (ROIC) and converted to signal of electricity.
The inverse LED can be used as an optoelectronics diode.

Some optical sensors are quantum devices, using a single photon to generate effects.
Some optical sensors are thermometer principles, which only activate the heating effect of incident radiation, such as radiation heating measuring meter, thermal release nano -power generation, GOLAY Cell (English: Golay Cell)The two sensitivity is low.

PhotoresistanceThe resistance will be changed according to the strength of the light. Generally, the stronger the light strength, the smaller the resistance value.
Solar photovoltaic or solar cells will generate voltage and output current when lighting
PhotodiodeIt can be operated in photovoltaic mode or optical conductive mode.
Optoelectronics contains an optoelectronic transmission (English: Photocathode). Electronics will be transmitted during light.
Optical pipes contain photoelectric transitions (English: Photocathode), which will emit electrons during light, and its current will be proportional to the light intensity.
Light -sensitive transistor is similar to the enlarged photoelectric diode.
The quantum dot or optoelectronics diode can process electromagnetic waves within the range of visible light or infrared wavelengths.
The semiconductor detector (English: Semiconductor Detector) can detect X -ray or gamma rays, often as a particle detector.
Silicon drift detector (English: Silicon Drift Detector) (SDD) is an X -ray detector, which is commonly used in X -optical spectrum (energy scattered analyzer, EDS) or electronic microscope (EDX).