HomeNewsALEDIA announced that comprehensive strategy and new employees will lead the MicroLED market

ALEDIA announced that comprehensive strategy and new employees will lead the MicroLED market

87 2024-02-01

Deeptech Aledia announced its strategic vision to transform the MicroLED market, focusing on strategic expansion, seeking additional funds, and strengthening its executive team.

Paris, France, January 30, 2024 (NewsWire.com)-ALEDIA, the leader of the next-generation monitor MicroLED technology development, today announced its ambitious growth and development strategy. The strategy was joined by the company's new president and the company's new president and the company's new president and presidential and presidential presidential and presidential presidential presidential and presidential presidential and presidential presidential presidential and presidentCEO Pierre Laboisse carefully planned.

Market and Financial Roadmap
With its unique 3D Wireled technology and more than 300 patent series, ALEDIA will become a global leader in the MicroLED market.After raising a huge amount of funds of 120 million euros in September last year, Deeptech is entering a new stage of development.The company aims to attract more investment to support its expansion and market penetration in the next few years.

Excellent manufacturing
ALEDIA's manufacturing strategy emphasizes internal differentiation and external foundry partnerships to expand production capacity of more than 5,000 wafers per week.This strategic policy will enable ALEDIA to provide large -scale and first -class manufacturing capabilities, which is consistent with the company's innovation advantages.

Focus on product portfolio and organizational transformation
Deeptech is re -adjusting its product portfolio to better meet market demand, focusing on smart watches, consumer products such as enhanced reality (AR) glasses and smartphones, tablet computers and laptop computers;Application; and car display, including a flat display (HUD) and instrument boards.At the same time, ALEDIA is strengthening its organizational structure to make it more customer -centric and executing as the center, and it is consistent with its commitment to customer satisfaction and market response capabilities.

New employees strengthen the management team
Aledia welcomes Felite Malzer as the chief sales officer (CSO), and Silil Dionisi serves as the chief operating officer (COO).Felix Marchal has more than 30 years of experience in the semiconductor industry. He will promote international sales expansion and develop strategic partnership.He said: "It is exciting to join Aledia in this critical development stage. I want to promote our global market share."

Silil Di Nesi has brought about professional knowledge for nearly 25 years. In operation and supply chain, it will optimize production and operational efficiency.He added: "It is my goal to keep our operating ability with ALEDIA's ambitious strategy to ensure continuous growth and excellent operations.

Pierre Laboisse, president and CEO of Aledia, concluded: "We are at a critical moment in displaying the technology industry. The focus of ALEDIA, coupledCustomers provide unparalleled value.

Through these strategic measures, Aledia is facing confidence that it has become the leading force in the global display technology market.